Fundraiser Postcards

Buy single cards or bundle to save: 4 for $13 | 8 for $24 | 12 for $33 

100% of profits will go to Palestine Legal, a nonprofit that provide legal advice, Know Your Rights trainings, advocacy and litigation support to college students, grassroots activists and affected communities who stand for justice in Palestine. Palestine Legal also monitors incidents of suppression to expose trends in tactics to silence Palestine activism.

Over the past 40+ days, we have gathered together to sustain our collective fight for Palestinian liberation through community building. Our letter writing campaign was born out of our desire to action together using our resources as artists, researchers, and social justice advocates. Each part of this project from the illustrated postcards to the collected resources for further education has been compiled by our team, made up of Lindsey Tom, Allexsa Romay, Morganne Faye-Gonzalez, Colleen Brooks, Nikole Flowers, Kara Ng, and Mandy Culbertson. Together we invite you to join us in our letter writing campaign calling for a full ceasefire, to stop military aid to Israel, and an end to occupation in Palestine.

  • STEP 1: Letter Template

    Use the template below to write letters to your local, state, and federal representatives. Tailor the template as you'd like and remember to use updated stats.

  • STEP 2: Find your elected officials

    Mail your letters! Use the My Reps tool to look up the mailing address for your local, county, state, and federal elected officials.

    Find your representatives 
  • STEP 3: Tell your friends

    Encourage your friends and family to join the letter writing campaign. And don't forget to call, email, and fax your representatives, as well! Sites with toolkits: 5 Calls, Jewish Voice for Peace, and US Campaign for Palestinian Rights.

Letter Template

Use the template below to write letters to your local, state, and federal representatives:

[Representative's name],

I write to you as a constituent to urge, in the strongest possible terms, your office call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and to refuse to send additional weapons or funding to the Israeli military.

I will not vote for you in the next election and will mobilize other voters to do the same if you continue to be complicit in the genocide against civilians in Gaza.

International Human rights organizations are clear--we are witnessing major war crimes and acts of ethnic cleansing that have already resulted in the death of more than 20,000 Palestinians, more that 8,000 of whom are children. Amongst the dead are 97 journalists, 310 healthcare workers, and 35 civil defence workers.

Voters will remember where your office stands on this. Please take immediate action to stop these atrocities.


[your name]

**Numbers updated as of 12/24/23

Resources on Palestine

Linked below is a living document where we are adding any helpful resources we have found related to learning about the history of Palestine and who to follow for news. We have also curated an Instagram guide with informative posts that can easily be shared and digested. Remember refer to sources provided on informative posts.